1915 E 22nd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Our First step to joining, the [Em]Power Beginner Program is $259
If that doesn't work for you, check out our sliding scale information below.
We believe that fitness should be accessible to all people. Therefore, we offer 25% of our memberships on a sliding scale price. The sliding scale application is completely on the honor-system. You don't need to prove your income to qualify, you just need to tell us what you can afford and will honor it.
Our member base is currently 65% White, and we prioritize Black, Indigenous and People of Color in the selection process for our sliding scale. We also prioritize Trans* folks, single-income households with children, people with disabilities and other communities that are marginalized in traditional fitness spaces.
If you'd like to join us on a sliding scale membership, start by applying below. We are so excited to work with you!